Jeeeeezus! Venice is a shocker when the sun isn’t shining! The latest Hammer is out with the shots of Lacuna Coil in Venice from last month. It was SO friggin cold you will never know – unless you speak to Ian Winwood (top Hammer writer) and he will happily fill you in how cold it was and what it’s like to help lug half a ton of camera gear across Venice! Thanks Ian! I used a warm up filter in most of the shots outside but it didn’t help us feel any warmer during the day! I have to say the band were fantastic and Christina was so patient all day! I think I pushed her to the edge quite literally all day and night! The shot in the water was taken at 3am the night before the daylight shoot – This is the cover shot taken in my bath back at the hotel (see pic). We had nipped out for a bite to eat at 10pm and in true Italian style, 7 courses later, a few snowball fights and an hour or two on make-up we were ready to shoot in the wee small hours!
Christina sits in a cold bath in the middle of the night whilst I am balancing above her with a camera weighing 3kilo’s! I was terrified I would slip or drop the camera on her!
This is my bathroom/studio at the hotel in Venice.
I can’t believe how relaxed Christina was throughout the shoot – considering the water wasn’t very warm and it was 3am!
The shot below is a snap from the night before the shoot – that is snow by the way!
This was taken at 8am to avoid the crowds. Christina and I (not together) had only 4 hours sleep the previous night because we were shooting the cover!